Friday, August 20, 2010

A Mission II: Another Opportunity

Mission to Hobita, June 19-20, 2010

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

Blessings to You and Your Family!
After our opportunity in May to go together as a church to Bals(h) to be with the believers there, we had another opportunity to go in mission together as a church body to a different church also some distance away. This time, on June 19-20, we went to the church in Hobita, about 170 kilometers away, a three hour or so drive.
Those of us from the church who were able to go left on a Saturday afternoon, we had lunch together in a park in Caransebes, and then were able to spend an hour or so at a historic site named Sarmizegetusa, where we walked among the ruins of the Roman settlement established there about 101 A.D. From there it was just two kilometers to Hobita.
Similar in purpose to our mission to Bals(h), the purpose for our trip to Hobita was to go as a church body to another church body, spend the day together first in worshiping the Lord and teaching from His word, and then fellowshiping together as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Whereas before we had gone to a relatively new church, this was pretty much the complete opposite. The church is well established, but very small; there are only a couple of younger people in the congregation - it consists almost entirely of elderly people, two of which have died in the last year or so. Hobita is a group of believers in great need of hope and encouragement.
While again one of the goals was to build unity within our own body through this experience together, the greater goal was that of building up and encouraging other members of the body of Christ, and being in fellowship with them - being believers in Christ together in unity.
As with the earlier mission, this time of fellowship with the believers from Hobita was a great success. We all arrived in Hobita Saturday evening, and after initial greetings and introductions, we went to our respective houses where we were to be guests for the evening. We were received with such love and generosity it was as if we were royalty; we had gone with the idea of wanting to be a blessing to others, and yet it was we who were so greatly blessed!
The next morning we met together at the church, and we all worhiped the Lord together in joy. We sang old songs, and new songs, and there was even a poem or two read. Then we had an excellent teaching and encouragement from God's Word by Ghita, a guy from our church, about being full of joy, based on Jesus' teaching in the beatitudes.
After the morning time together, we all went to a lady's house from the church, and spent the afternoon visiting, getting to know one another, and of course, enjoying a meal together. Again we were overwhelmed by the generosity of the saints there in Hobita, for they had prepared a virtual feast for us, including traditional Romanian chicken noodle soup, sarmale (cabbage rolls) and visli, which are sausages made from sheep meat (sounds kind of weird, but they're quite good!)
Later in the afternoon, after several hours of fellowship and getting to know one another, we returned to the church for another time of worship together and some more Bible teaching, this time from our pastor, Ionut.
As we were preparing to dismiss the service and all go back to the house where we had spent the afternoon together to say our goodbyes, some other guests arrived, including another mission worker / pastor, and a man visiting from France. We all went back to the house together, and stayed there together for another half an hour or so singing and praying together, before people had to start for home.
It occurred to me during that last half hour together that we were getting just the tiniest glimpse of what heaven may be like: there we were - Romanians, Americans, French - though different in these earthly bodies, we were unified together prayer, and in love and worship of Jesus. It was moving, and one of those profound moments in life that are not easily forgotten.
Our trip as a church body to Hobita was a very special couple of days, and a great time to get to know some new people. Again new friendships were formed, and people from both churches were encouraged greatly. It seemed that God truly did pour out His blessings upon everyone in abundance during this time.
We as a church are hopeful that this sort of thing will happen again this year, and have made plans to visit another church when the possibility opens up. We also continue to be hopeful that through ministry and experiences like this, many believers will be encouraged, that unity within the church on a local level and beyond will grow, and above all that God will be glorified!
As you hear of the encouragement of your brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe in Romania, may you be blessed and encouraged as well; Jesus truly is able to do far more abundantly than we ask or think - and he continues to do just that!
May you be blessed abundantly!
In Christ's Love,
Andrew & Geta & family

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

God is Good!

Announcement: New Support Information

"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly. Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds." - Nahum 1:7; Psalm 84:11, 36:5

Dear Friends and Family,
We hope this blog entry finds each of you doing well and being continually blessed by God. We want to thank each of you for your continued prayers, patience, and financial support of us and our ministry here in Romania, and your faithfulness even during these months that at times seemed difficult. God continues to bless us, and he has been faithful as always during these months as we have been looking for and talking with different sending agencies.
Thanks in large part to your prayers for us, we are very happy to be able to announce to you that we have been accepted by MCII, or Mission Churches International, Inc., as missionaries under their organization (more information about MCII can be found at This is an answer to much prayer, and cause for celebration!
If you are interested in what the Lord is doing in Romania, and continuing to support us and our ministry financially, whether that would be ongoing monthly support or a one time gift which is tax deductible, a check would be made out to: MCII; and it would be sent to: P.O. Box 354, Ellsworth, KS., 67439; please note that it should also have our name (Roby) written in the memo line.
Thank you again for your patience during the last few months, and the generosity you have shown toward us. Your continued friendship and support of our family have been an immense blessing. Thank you also for keeping us before the throne of God in prayer, no matter what the circumstances. God is good!
Serving Together,
Andrew & Geta, Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, Jeremiah

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Mission

Mission to Bals(h), May 02, 2010

Dear Friends and Family,
We want to share another ministry opportunity that we had recently, and that was to go as a church body on a "mission" to another church.
On May 2nd, we as a church body (whoever could come) went to the town of Bals (pronounced "Balsh"), a 125 kilometer, two hour plus drive away. Our purpose was to go as a relatively new church body to another new church and to spend the day together first in worshiping the Lord and teaching from His word, and then fellowshiping together. While one of the goals was to build unity within our own body through this experience together, the greater goal was that of encouraging another very young church and building unity not just within a single group of believers, but crossing those perceived "church group" barriers and simply being believers in Christ together as one group, and enjoying fellowship as one body.
The mission was a great success. After the morning worship time together, I gave a short encouragement or challenge to the people, followed by a Bible teaching by our pastor. After the morning time together, we all went to a nearby park and spent the afternoon visiting, getting to know one another, and of course, having sandwiches and drinks. It was a great time to get to know some new people, and the kids had a lot of fun playing together with new friends they made as well. New friendships were formed, and everyone from both churches was encouraged greatly.
We as a church are hopeful that this sort of thing will happen more this year, and that through it many believers will be encouraged, that unity within the church on a local level and beyond will grow, and above all that God will be glorified!
As you hear of the encouragement of your brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe in Romania, may you be blessed and encouraged as well - remember that each of us is a part of the same body, that of Christ!
"so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans 12:5
May You Be Blessed!
Andrew & Geta & family

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Short Trip

Andrew, Geta, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ammishaddai, and Joseph.
April 23rd, 2010. Rachitova, Romania

It looks like spring has finally arrived here in Romania. There has been a number of weeks of good warm (and sometimes hot!) weather already. There has also been some thunderstorms, very typical spring weather here.
Thank you for your prayers for Geta's mother (see also last blog entry); she is feeling much better now. We continue to pray for God to speak to her and draw her to himself.
We (Andrew and the children) went to join Geta in Rusca Montana where she had been taking care of her mother, and after a couple days there visiting, we went to Geta's grandparents in the village of Rachitova for a visit as well. While there in that area, we had opportunity on Sunday April 25th to visit the church in Hobita which is only about twenty minutes' drive from where the grandparents live.
We take every opportunity we can when we are in that area to visit the church there. The church is very small, and mostly has only elderly people in it (and two of them have died in the last year or so). We stay all day for both services, and it is always such a blessing for us to be with the believers in Hobita, and they are always so grateful when we come - it's really overwhelming. By the grace of God, I was able to give the morning message in Romanian, with occasional help from my wonderful wife! I gave the evening message in Romanian as well, but I tend not to do so well in the evening after speaking Romanian all day long. I think my mind and tongue both start to get tired after a whole day speaking another language. But thankfully I have such a great wife, who helps me along whenever I need it!
In the end, it was a good trip, with prayers for Geta's mother answered, a wonderful visit with Geta's grandparents (both believers as well), and a blessed time of fellowship in Hobita.
Thank you for your continued prayers for us. We need them! Thank you for your faithfulness to God, and the blessing that you are to our family and ministry.
In Christ,
Andrew & Geta & family

The kids: Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, Jeremiah. April 27th, 2010. Rachitova, Romania.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update and Prayer Requests

Joseph (back), Elijah, Jeremiah, Ammishaddai. Easter 2010.

Greetings to you in the name of the Lord!
We pray that all is well with you and that God continues to bless each and every one of you.
We want to thank you all for your continued encouragement of our family and ministry through your friendship, prayers, and financial support. We continue to pursue affiliation with a missions organization. Toward this end (really a new beginning) we have had positive responses and great conversations via email and telephone with a prospective sending agency.
Please continue to pray for us as we continue our journey toward affiliation; that God will continue to give us insight into the situation,and understanding of what He has for us.
We would also ask for your prayers for Geta's mother. She is not feeling well at all, and Geta has gone for a few days to her home village of Rusca Montana to help care for her mother. The rest of us (Andrew and the kids)will probably go to join her in a few days. We also found out that Geta's mother has gone to church a few times recently, to the same church whereGeta was saved. Pray with us that God will speak to her heart and life in these days and grant opportunities for the Gospel to be shared with her.
May God continue to pour out His grace upon you!
Serving Together,
Andrew, Geta, and family
Please note: There are some additional recent pictures of our family and ministry on our Facebook page.

Monday, January 04, 2010

By Request...[Updated]

Prayers and Support...

Dear Friends and Family,
Let us first say on behalf of our family, Happy New Year! We hope that each one of you had a great Christmas and were able to celebrate Jesus together with those dearest to you.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support of us in our ministry "The VR Project: Project Village Reach -- Romania". Thank you for remembering our family during this time when we are in Romania serving as missionaries. God has shown us and taught us many things and he continues to do so. Your faithful prayers and financial support have been a great blessing and encouragement for us.
This letter is to let you know that due to some recent unforseen circumstances, as of January 1st, 2010, we are no longer associated with The Cross Foundation in Baker City, Oregon.
If you are interested in what the Lord is doing in Romania, and continuing to support us financially, whether that would be ongoing monthly support or a one time gift, A check would be made out to: Andrew & Geta Roby; That would be sent to: 294 Jacobson Way, Monmouth, OR. 97361.
Your gift or support would not be considered tax deductible for tax purposes; however, we are currently looking into other options that would provide a mutually beneficial solution for this issue.
Thank you again for your continued friendship and support of our family; thank you for continually keeping us before the throne of God in prayer. May God continue to walk beside each of you, and give you a new year full of blessing!
In Christ,
Andrew & Geta, Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, Jeremiah