Wednesday, July 01, 2015

"Increase Our Faith!"

This picture of our family was taken recently,
in Rusca Montana, in a park near where Geta grew up

Greetings everyone, from here in Romania!
Now that we have been back in Romania for nearly three months, things are settling down a
little bit from how they were when we first got here, as far as routine and things go. We
pretty much finished up all the things we still had to do where we used to live in Drobeta
Turnu-Severin, and after being an additional three weeks or so without our van in early
May, we have definitely come to appreciate even more the van that God provided us a few
years back (remember it's a 50km round trip for shopping from where we live!). We remember
that it was largely our family of Bridgeport Chapel that provided the funds so that we
could purchase that van! It has been a good van, and always a blessing for our family.
In the last couple of months, we have stayed in the area in churches that are close by,
mostly in Rusca Montana and Ruschita (where we live for now). We have also gone on
occasion to other churches in other villages a bit farther away to minister, such as
Hobita, Rachitova, and were most recently invited to speak at the church in Turnu-Ruieni,
about 60km away from here. It is always good to be with other groups of christians, and to
get to know and have fellowship with them.
It has also been very good to stick closer around here and get to know the people in our
immediate area again. The church in Rusca Montana is a larger church, but there are needs
there, including working with the children and the youth, not to mention opportunities for
Bible teaching. The church in Ruschita is really just starting up, with just a handful of
people - three or four - that come on a regular basis in the afternoon when the service is
held. There is definitely a need for ministry and encouragement for the few believers that
there are here! Thankfully, a small team from the church in Rusca Montana comes here most
Sundays, and on occasion, a small team from another village, Marga, comes to be a part of
the service.
We have gotten to share in several churches about how God has worked in our lives in the
last year or two, and about God's miraculous preservation of the twins, and all they (and
Geta) had to go through. Several people actually wept during our sharing at various
churches, and let me say, that made it more difficult to continue the sharing. Whenever we
have shared about Nehemiah and Jonathan, it has been a powerful example of God's love,
mercy, and grace to us, and really, to us all.
Thank you all for being a blessing to us, and thank you for praying for us so faithfully.
Prayer requests that we have for right now: for the people in the churches of Rusca
Montana and Ruschita, that they would be encouraged; and that God would move among the
people in these villages and bring many to Himself. Also that God would use us in whatever
ways He sees fit to accomplish His will here. Also please pray for us as we are preparing
to go to help with children's camps next week near the city of Fagaras - that it would be
an awesome time to get to know kids there and spend time with them, as well as encourage
them in the Lord. May we be a blessing in their lives!
A big praise for us is that the twins have been healthy since shortly after the last blog entry, thank you all for your prayers! Also, as many of you know, we have been praying for God to provide a place for us to live, and thanks to his grace and through His people, it looks like He is doing some extraordinary things on our behalf. We hope to give you all an update on this in the not too distant future! Suffice it to say for now (although really no words are sufficient here) that God's people are beyond generous, and that our God does the unexpected....or maybe we truly need to pray as the disciples prayed: "Increase our faith!" - Luke 17:5.
We love you, and hope to give another update before too long. May the Lord's mercy and blessing cover you!
In His Love,
Andrew, Geta, and kids