Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We Made it Back...to Romania!

Dear Friends and Family,
Geta and I and the kids wanted to say again to each of you that we really enjoyed our three and a half months in the states. We were very happy that we got to visit with so many of you, got to know others of you better, and shared many times of fellowship together.
The time was over too quickly it seemed! We arrived safely back in Romania on February 26th, with all of our bags (and all of our kids)! We are adjusted to the time difference, and we are enjoying once again the fellowship of our friends and church family here in Romania and in the city of Turnu-Severin.
PRAYER REQUESTS: 1) We have learned that we need to move out of our apartment by the end of April - please pray that God will provide a place for us to move to very soon; 2) please pray that in the midst of many opportunities to serve Him, God would give us clear direction as to what he would have us do for the next few months or year of ministry; 3) please continue to pray that God will provide a van for our family: more funds for the van, and patience to wait for the right one, and discernment to know which is the right one.
Thank you for keeping our family lifted up in prayer; we look forward to the next time when we will see each other again.
Love, Andrew, Geta, and family
p.s. We have posted some pictures with this blog entry that we hope you will enjoy. The picture at the top of this entry is of our family taken on February 9th, 2008 in Newport, Oregon. L-R in the back: Geta; the new baby Jeremiah; Elijah; Andrew; in front: Ammishaddai; Joseph. The one directly below is our family outside the airport in Timisoara, Romania, just after our arrival -- as you can see, happy to be back here in Romania (or maybe just happy to finally be off the airplanne)! The pictures that follow have captions above them. Enjoy!
Below: Our family's newest addition, Jeremiah William, resting peacefully on Mommy and Daddy's bed back in our apartment in Romania.
Below: Joseph, our oldest, in the courtyard of the church we have been attending in Drobeta Turnu-Severin with two of his friends.
Below: Our middle two children, Ammishaddai and Elijah, at the table in the courtyard of the church we have been attending in Drobeta Turnu-Severin during a fellowship meal happily eating a popular Romanian meat cooked on the grill -- mici! (meech, little pork/beef/spiced sausages) All the kids love it!

Project Summary and Vision Statement

We have decided to post here on our blogsite our project summary and vision statement, so that you, our friends and family, and others who may be interested, may have access to what God has laid upon our hearts as our life's work. Please take the time to read through it; we believe God will speak to you and show you why He has called us to Romania.

Project Village Reach
Conceived and Designed
By S. Andrew Roby

Project Summary
Vision Statement

“The goal of the VR Project is to operate in a village where there has not been a church before, or where there is a new church, and to reach every man, woman, and child with the Gospel message by building friendships with the people, with the goal of winning them to Christ and thereby building the Body of Christ, the Church.”

People Must Be Reached
It is hard to define a specific group of people that the VR Project is targeted at, because the need in the villages of Romania for people to hear and clearly understand the Gospel message is so widespread, the categories of people so broad.
The VR Project then, has as it’s targeted group to reach, every non-Christian person in a specified village. It is an attempt to reach every single person in a targeted village. We believe that every unsaved person in the specifically targeted village should have the opportunity to hear and clearly understand the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. This then includes men and women, single people and married people, families, the young and the old, the rich and the poor.
In these villages that seem forgotten by man, the need for the Gospel, and need for the new life and hope that salvation brings, is breathtaking. That is why this project is so specific in its purpose and vast in its scale.

The VR Project
The VR Project will be an operation in a village where there has not been a church before, or where there is a new church, where there is a need for people to hear and understand the gospel message; to reach every man, woman and child in that village with the message of the gospel by building friendships with the people, with the goal of eventually winning them to Christ and thereby building the Body of Christ, the Church.
My wife Georgeta and I will be personally, directly involved with people on an individual basis as well as in group settings, and we will be striving to lead exemplary lives in the community in which we reside, with the goal of building friendships and leading others to Christ. We will also be personally, directly involved in planning, facilitating, and serving in Bible study groups, church services, conferences or seminars, and other opportunities that will arise in the course of ministry.
This ministry seeks to reach unbelievers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, we would also be involved in visiting and encouraging those people or families who have already given their lives to Jesus Christ. Once we have reached someone with the message of the Gospel, and they have given their hearts and lives to Christ, it is then our responsibility to help care for them as new believers, and to disciple them – teach them to observe all that our Lord Jesus has commanded us.

The Calling and the Vision
My wife and I sincerely believe that this ministry of The VR Project is what the Lord has called us to do – that as husband and wife, parents, and servants of the Almighty God, this is what has been laid upon our hearts as our life's work.
Our vision when we return to Romania is to move into and live in the village of Giubega, in southern Romania. There is no New Testament church there, and only three believers in the entire village. We believe that Giubega and the immediate area is where God is calling us to be leaders for Him. We believe that God will provide property and a home for us to live in and raise our family as we share Jesus with those around us. We believe that God will also provide, in accordance with the vision of ministry and service He has given us, a building on that property with guest rooms and a multipurpose room where pastors, friends, and ministry teams can come serve and fellowship together, and where God's people can meet to learn more about Him and worship Him.
We will be working together with pastors we have gotten to know, and with churches we have been involved with. Many of us share a similar vision for reaching unbelievers in the forgotten villages of Romania, and are ready and willing to help and support one another in prayer, ministry and friendship, all toward the goal of introducing people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and growing the Kingdom of God.
We pray that this short summary of The VR Project – Project Village Reach: Romania has been clear, and that it effectively communicates the goal and the vision of our life's work that has been laid upon our hearts. Please pray for us as we return to Romania, that God will give us the means, the strength, and the perseverance to accomplish all that He has for us to do. Please pray for us as we seek together with the Lord, to share Jesus' love and the saving message of the Gospel with people who so desperately need to hear it.

Servants Together In Christ,
S. Andrew & Georgeta R. Roby

Email: Morningstar1826@gmail.com
Blogsite: Andrewgetaromania.blogspot.com

Andrew & Geta Roby
294 Jacobson Way
Monmouth, OR. 97361