Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Few Pictures of Our Family

We hope each of you have been enjoying your summer this year. Below are just a few pictures of our family taken relatively recently. Enjoy!

Elijah, Joseph, Ammishaddai in a silly moment...
Elijah posing by a 1967 Mercedes

Ammishaddai in the grass

Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah and the Landini tractor

Andrew & Geta on Geta's 26th Birthday, June 22, 2008

Kids in the Summer

Greetings Friends and Family!
Here are pictures of each of our children, taken relatively recently. They were taken on the property where the house we are currently staying in is located. It is summertime, and the weather is beautiful here in Romania! Please enjoy these pictures, as well as the ones above.
--Andrew & Geta & kids

Elijah, now 2 years, 5 months

Ammishaddai, now 3 years, 5 months
Joseph, now 5 years, 7 months
Jeremiah, now 7 months