while visiting the grandparents in Rachitova. May 2009.
Dear Friends and Family,
The summer is nearly over; it's hard to believe that it is almost time for the leaves to start falling from the trees, and for school to start again.
We had a summer full of things to do around the property here where we are living, of opportunities for fellowship, ministry, and growth. The kids played all summer long outside, running in the grass, and splashing in an inflatable pool we were able to get. We raised 150+ chickens (live and learn), and went camping with people from the fellowship we attend and serve in.
Geta, together with the pastor's wife has been involved in leading a women's study group on and off over the past few months. The ladies really enjoy getting together on a regular basis, and seem ready to learn and appreciate what is being discussed. They are currently going through Debi Pearl's "Created To Be His Helpmeet".
Andrew went recently to a men's retreat nine hours drive away with several men from the church, where we were encouraged to live a life that will leave a legacy that honors God - very powerful teaching on families and being "men that bear the imprint of the Master". This is the second year we've heard the speaker - Greg Buorgond of Heart of a Warrior Ministries - and it is an experience not easily forgotten, and one I would recommend to any of you men back home without hesitation.
We have had a busy summer, and are expecting to have a busy fall and winter too, with Joseph starting school, and Ammi and Elijah beginning to learn some new things; and preparing for winter by getting the house ready, fixing the wood stove, getting fire wood ready, and making sure certain pipes and things don't freeze again this winter.
We thank you for your prayers for us and know that many of you have been so faithful in praying for our family - please continue to pray for us! Prayer requests right now would be: 1> that we would be able to get enough fire wood to last the winter; and 2> that we would be able to insulate the small bathroom next to our house so it doesn't freeze this year. Please pray that God will provide the means for us to accomplish this. Also, please keep the van in prayer - it has been at the repair shop for two weeks, with the mechanic not knowing how to fix it, trying different things, etc. It appears that it may finally be fixed in a couple of days (we hope so!).
We want to end this update today with a praise. As many of you are aware, we have been praying for and searching for a rear bench seat for our van for over a year now. While at the men's retreat I met a man who put me in touch with a friend of his, and we were able to "secure" a bench seat for our van. It is in Timisoara (a city about four hours drive from where we live), and it just remains for us to go and pick it up when we can. God's hand was clear in this situation!
Thank you again for continually holding our family up before the throne of God; it is encouraging to know how much we are loved, and please know that you are loved as well. May God, who has everything in His hand, continue to watch over and bless each of you; and may you continue to walk with Jesus more closely each day...
In Christ,
Andrew, Geta, & Family
p.s. We have been reading Proverbs with the kids almost every morning at breakfast, and came across this great one the other morning: "My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off." -- Proverbs 24:13-14