Prayers and Support...
Dear Friends and Family,
Let us first say on behalf of our family, Happy New Year! We hope that each one of you had a great Christmas and were able to celebrate Jesus together with those dearest to you.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support of us in our ministry "The VR Project: Project Village Reach -- Romania". Thank you for remembering our family during this time when we are in Romania serving as missionaries. God has shown us and taught us many things and he continues to do so. Your faithful prayers and financial support have been a great blessing and encouragement for us.
This letter is to let you know that due to some recent unforseen circumstances, as of January 1st, 2010, we are no longer associated with The Cross Foundation in Baker City, Oregon.
If you are interested in what the Lord is doing in Romania, and continuing to support us financially, whether that would be ongoing monthly support or a one time gift, A check would be made out to: Andrew & Geta Roby; That would be sent to: 294 Jacobson Way, Monmouth, OR. 97361.
Your gift or support would not be considered tax deductible for tax purposes; however, we are currently looking into other options that would provide a mutually beneficial solution for this issue.
Thank you again for your continued friendship and support of our family; thank you for continually keeping us before the throne of God in prayer. May God continue to walk beside each of you, and give you a new year full of blessing!
In Christ,
Andrew & Geta, Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, Jeremiah