Toward the end of 2010, our church family had another opportunity to go to be together with other believers. So on the morning of November 14, we set out and drove about 135 kilometers to the village of Rast Nou (New Rast). There, a good friend of ours Adi, together with his wife Monica and their baby daughter pastor a church and minister to the people there.
Our purpose for this mission was very similar to the other two ministry missions we were previously able to go on, to Bals(h) and Hobita. Our purpose was to go together as a church body to another, and spend the day first in praise and worship of our Lord together, learning from his word together, and then fellowshiping as brothers and sisters together in the Lord. Although not a new church, this church is relatively young, and has a good number of people that attend. While again one of the goals was to build unity within our own body through this experience together, the greater goal was that of building up and encouraging other members of the body of Christ, and being in fellowship with them.
As with the previous two missions, by the grace of God, this mission was also a success. There were more than twenty of us who went from our church, and we had a great time together with the people from the church at Rast Nou. We had a great worship leader with us named Ana, and were able to sing a number of songs for the people there which was enjoyed; Ana also sang several solo songs, which were a great blessing. That was followed by teaching from the word of God, and then lunch together with Adi, Monica, and several members of the church.
The church in Rast Nou has a fenced in soccer field right next to it, to which Adi and Monica hold the keys. After lunch and some fellowship, people were invited and many came to play soccer together with people from our church. It was a lot of fun to watch the games between people from the two churches and others from the village, and what a great opportunity to reach out to others!
Another aspect of the afternoon which was thoroughly enjoyable was the large number of young children that came to watch the games and "hang out" in the general area. Our group had brought several kids along, and for us personally, it was a blessing and an encouragement to see our children playing together all afternoon with kids of all ages and backgrounds from the village. Geta and I also spent a lot of time with the kids who came to play; it was a joy.
Our trip as a church body to Rast Nou did come to an end in the late afternoon, and we headed back to Turnu-Severin. It was a good trip, and it was great to see old friends and get to know new ones. People from both churches were blessed and encouraged.
We are praying that these sorts of opportunities to meet together and encourage other believers will continue to happen when the Lord determines the right time. We also continue to be hopeful that through ministry opportunities and experiences like this, many believers will be encouraged, that unity within the church on a local level and beyond will grow, and above all that God will be glorified!
As you hear of the encouragement of your brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe in Romania, may you be blessed and encouraged as well. Remember to pray for Adi and Monica and their family, and that God will continue to bless the church and ministry in Rast Nou.
May Jesus Be Lifted Higher in 2011!
Andrew & Geta & family