Our family would like to thank each one of you for the many ways you continue to bless us here in Romania. Your friendship and support of our family have been an immense encouragement to us. Thank you for keeping us before the throne of God in prayer, no matter what the circumstances. God continues to show us how good he is!
Thank you also to MCII (Mission Churches International, Inc.) for allowing us for the last year to be a part of their organization, and for the help that they are to us in prayer, finances, and accountability. We have been missionaries now with MCII for the last year. MCII is the only non-profit organization we are affiliated with, and through which our support is sent. (http://www.mcii.org/)
If you are interested in what the Lord is doing in Romania, and continuing to support us and our ministry financially, whether that would be ongoing monthly support or a one time gift which is tax deductible, a check would be made out to: MCII; and it would be sent to: P.O. Box 354, Ellsworth, KS., 67439; please note that it should also have our name (Roby) written in the memo line.
We also have a new mailing address here in Romania (it's a p.o.box). If anyone would like to write to us, the new address is as follows:
Andrew & Geta Roby
OF. Dr. Tr. Severin 1,Ghiseul 2
C.P. Nr. 12
Dr. Tr. Severin
Jud. Mehedinti
Thank you again, and God be with you!
In Christ,
Andrew & Geta and family
Thank you also to MCII (Mission Churches International, Inc.) for allowing us for the last year to be a part of their organization, and for the help that they are to us in prayer, finances, and accountability. We have been missionaries now with MCII for the last year. MCII is the only non-profit organization we are affiliated with, and through which our support is sent. (http://www.mcii.org/)
If you are interested in what the Lord is doing in Romania, and continuing to support us and our ministry financially, whether that would be ongoing monthly support or a one time gift which is tax deductible, a check would be made out to: MCII; and it would be sent to: P.O. Box 354, Ellsworth, KS., 67439; please note that it should also have our name (Roby) written in the memo line.
We also have a new mailing address here in Romania (it's a p.o.box). If anyone would like to write to us, the new address is as follows:
Andrew & Geta Roby
OF. Dr. Tr. Severin 1,Ghiseul 2
C.P. Nr. 12
Dr. Tr. Severin
Jud. Mehedinti
Thank you again, and God be with you!
In Christ,
Andrew & Geta and family