We as a family want to thank each one of you who continue to pray faithfully for us. We have a great God, who without any doubt is "...able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think..." (from Ephesians 3:20).
HEALTH. Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, and Jeremiah have already gone through a couple of very rough sicknesses while we have been back. At present, they are all healthy, and enjoying playing and learning. Joseph has been enjoying learning to read, and learning math and writing as well. Please pray for their continued health, and that God would protect them from sickness. Please also pray for continued health for us as parents as well.
GOD'S PROVIDENCE. God continues to bless us and take care of us in ways we never dreamed. Please pray for His continued hand of providence upon us, as prices continue to rise, and the dollar continues to drop in value. God calls us, He sends us, and he will provide!
PLACE TO LIVE. We have had to move out of the apartment in Drobeta Turnu-Severin that we had been staying in because the owners want to renovate. We have been watching for a month and a half for another apartment to move to. Not only have rent prices skyrocketed here, but we have been unable to find any acceptable apartment in which to move. However, God has still provided for us! We are moving to some property just outside of town that belongs to Ionut Corlan, and are going to stay in a rulota (camping trailer) for at least a month or two until we can find something else. On that property is a house and a conference center, where we'll have a room to store our things, and a functioning toilet and sink! This is also a great opportunity for the kids to be able to run around outside all they want, something for which we as parents have been praying a long time. The kids are excited about "camping" for awhile in the trailer. Please pray that God will reveal His will for us as to where He wants us to live during this year to year and a half of ministry at the church of Smirna.
A VAN. We have also been praying for the Lord to provide us a van; we have some money saved from when we sold our other car here last year, as well as the money that Bridgeport Chapel so richly blessed us with last November through a fundraiser. Please pray that God would provide more funds to put together with what has already been saved, so that we will be able to buy a van for ministry and family.
Thank you again for your continued commitment in praying for us; God turns His head, and He listens to us when we speak to Him. May God richly bless each of you for your faithfulness "...far more than anything [you] ask or think...".
“The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:25-26)
“Grace be with you all.” (Titus 3:15b)
Love in Christ,
Andrew & Geta, Joseph, Ammishaddai, Elijah, Jeremiah
p.s. The pictures included with this blog entry were taken on April 27th, 2008, Easter Sunday in Romania.