Dear Friends and Family,
We appreciate the emails you have been sending to us recently, as well as the encouraging comments you have left for us on this blogsite. It is a blessing when we are so many miles away -- literally on the other side of the globe -- to know that we are still in your thoughts and best of all, in your prayers.
Prayer is the most powerful weapon and ally that we have in our adventure with God through life. You've probably heard us say at one time or another, a quote by E.M. Bounds that has been, for quite some time now, a life motto for us: "prayer moves the hand that moves the world." Prayer gets the attention of God; He turns His head, He listens, and then when the time is right, He moves His mighty hand to move the world!
We share this with you not only because of the truth it proclaims, but because we would like to request that you join us in prayer with regard to our monthly ministry support here in Romania.
As most of you can probably identify with, living costs continue to rise, making it increasingly difficult for our family to make the funds that are currently available to us cover all our expenses from month to month. The drama of skyrocketing inflation continues to unfold here: the price of gas and utilities is steadily increasing; food items increase in price on an almost weekly basis; the dollar continues to decline in value. It is, to say the least, daunting.
Yet, even in the midst of all this, God has every aspect of the entire situation in His control. As we testified at Bridgeport Chapel before we returned to Romania, God has been faithful always to provide for us -- God has never let us down, not one time! We fully believe that God will continue to be faithful, that He will provide for us.
The key to missions is prayer and the church. Who is the church? And who is it that prays? It is you and it is me -- members of the same body, that of Jesus Christ. It is because “the harvest indeed is abundant” (AMP), but the workers are few, that Jesus said in Luke 10:2, that we are to “pray earnestly”, or “Plead with the Lord” (TLB) that He would send out even more workers to do His work, or “…more laborers to help you.” (TLB). That is, we are to pray earnestly and plead with the Lord for people who will help us, work alongside us, and support us in the work of the Lord. Since it is true that not all of us are called to physically go to the mission field, consider that perhaps one way God is calling you as a worker for His harvest is in the capacity of support for a great work that He is already doing.
God allows each of us opportunities to share with others our needs and prayer requests: through friendships, sharing in church, even through a blogsite; we are grateful for this opportunity to have shared these things with you.
God listens when we speak to Him; we must be ready and willing to listen to God when He speaks to us.
The key to missions is the church – the key to missions...is you.
Please join us in prayer regarding our monthly ministry support here in Romania. Let's watch together how God will choose to move the world!
Love, Andrew, Geta and family
P.S. as always, please feel free to email us or call us with any questions that you may have. Also, The pictures posted on this blog entry were taken on April 3rd 2008.
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