Dear Friends and Family,
We want to share another ministry opportunity that we had recently, and that was to go as a church body on a "mission" to another church.
On May 2nd, we as a church body (whoever could come) went to the town of Bals (pronounced "Balsh"), a 125 kilometer, two hour plus drive away. Our purpose was to go as a relatively new church body to another new church and to spend the day together first in worshiping the Lord and teaching from His word, and then fellowshiping together. While one of the goals was to build unity within our own body through this experience together, the greater goal was that of encouraging another very young church and building unity not just within a single group of believers, but crossing those perceived "church group" barriers and simply being believers in Christ together as one group, and enjoying fellowship as one body.
The mission was a great success. After the morning worship time together, I gave a short encouragement or challenge to the people, followed by a Bible teaching by our pastor. After the morning time together, we all went to a nearby park and spent the afternoon visiting, getting to know one another, and of course, having sandwiches and drinks. It was a great time to get to know some new people, and the kids had a lot of fun playing together with new friends they made as well. New friendships were formed, and everyone from both churches was encouraged greatly.
We as a church are hopeful that this sort of thing will happen more this year, and that through it many believers will be encouraged, that unity within the church on a local level and beyond will grow, and above all that God will be glorified!
As you hear of the encouragement of your brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe in Romania, may you be blessed and encouraged as well - remember that each of us is a part of the same body, that of Christ!
"so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another." Romans 12:5
May You Be Blessed!
Andrew & Geta & family
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